Women in Senegal use new technologies to fight for equality.

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More and more Senegalese women are using the new information and communication technologies (NICTs) to fight for equal rights and gender equity. This idea is at the heart of the "Information and Communication Technologies in Support of the Women's Programme for Gender Equality in Senegal". The programme, which is the first virtual resource, information and action space on sustainable development for francophone African women, was set up by Enda Tiersmonde, in partnership with the Siggil Jiggen Network with the support of the International Development Resource (RCID) Acacia Initiative this year. The programme aims to create a network for information--sharing to promote the cause of women and as a means of expression for gender justice.


Les femmes utilisent les Nouvelles Technologies pour lutter en faveur de l'egalite

Un nombre croissant de femmes senegalaises utilisent les Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (NTIC) pour lutter en faveur des droits...

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