Advocacy for Gender Mainstreaming in Macroeconomics and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Processes (PRSPs) in Africa/Plaidoyer pour l'Integration du Genre dans la Macroeconomie et les Processus de Strategies de Reduction de la Pauvrete(DSRP) en Afrique.


The second phase of the advocacy project on Gender Mainstreaming in the Macroeconomics and the PRSPs in Africa began implementation in July 2008, with FEMNET organizing a Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop in Kampala, Uganda. Based on the researches conducted in 2007, which documented the experiences of gender lobbies in national macroeconomic policies of Mall, Uganda, Rwanda, Egypt and Zambia, the TOT workshops aimed at building capacities for organizations and state institutions to understand the relationship between macroeconomic policy and poverty, especially poverty among women, within the frameworks of the New Aid Modalities.

Macroeconomic policies can play a significant role to facilitate women to move out of poverty by ensuring that the actions undertaken to realize the policy objectives include those that specifically tackle the structural causes of poverty and gender inequalities. Thirty-five participants from various countries in the East Africa and the Horn of Africa were trained on gender mainstreaming in Macroeconomic and the PRSR

These included women organizations, government officials from the key ministries of Finance and those in charge of women's affairs, the media and economists dealing with the PRSP process. The workshop report can be requested by sending an email to communication@

In September 2008, FEMNET will hold similar TOT workshops in Cameroon and Mall. Additionally, a training manual and an advocacy toolkit on gender mainstreaming in the poverty reduction strategy (PRSP) process will be published in the coming months and we will circulate to all our members. For further information, send an email to:

La seconde phase du proJet de plaidoirie sur l'Integration du Genre dans la Macroeconomie et les DSRP en Afrique a commence sa mise en oeuvre en juillet 2008, lorsque FEMNET a organise un atelier de Formation des Formatrices (FDF)a Kampala, Ouganda. Se basant sur les...

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