Communications programme: Media for African Women's Rights (MEWOR) project/Programme communications: Projet Media pour les Droits de la Femme Africaine (MEWOR).


In March 2008, FEMNET in partnership with South Africa's Community Media for Development (CMFD), recorded the six-episode radio drama play under the Media for African Women's Rights (MEWOR) project. Based on the provisions of the Protocol on African Women's Rights, the drama play aims to confront the challenges facing women especially in societies that are largely patriarchal and unfriendly towards women. The focus areas for the drama play include domestic violence, women and HIV/AIDS, culture and religion and women's rights, economic empowerment of women, and women in politics and decision making.

The target audience for the drama will be women whose issues are addressed within the Protocol, men who will be sensitized about the protocol and women's rights as well as key stakeholders such as government officials who will be sensitized to push for ratification and domestication of the Protocol in their countries. Through raising awareness in Kenya and other African countries about the Protocol on the Rights of women, the drama play will empower through knowledge and encourage people to implement its ideals in their own lives. For more information and/or queries, send an email to

En mars 2008, FEMNET en partenariat avec l'organisation sud-africaine "Community Media for Development" (CMFD), a fait L'enregistrement d'une piece de theatre radiophonique en six acres sous le projet Media pour les Droits de la Femme Africaine...

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