
AuthorMusa, Roselynn
PositionTraining Manual: Gender Mainstreaming in the Macroeconomics, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs

The Gender, Macroeconomics and PRSPs in Africa project implemented by the African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) under its Advocacy Programme includes research into the principal gender dimensions of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) processes and its relationship to the national budgeting processes. The Project has documented the experiences of gender lobbies in the PRSP process and provided an analysis of women's poverty in direct relationship to national macroeconomic policy in five case studies in Africa (Egypt, Mall, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia) that broadly extrapolated a continental, regional picture.

The project has provided FEMNET and partners with a sound research basis for engagement with Ministries of Finance and Planning on macro-economic modelling and provided sufficient data and analysis to interest economists to pursue the findings of the research through their work and also provided a basis for developing specific and targeted gender analysis and mainstreaming training.

This Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming in the Macroeconomics, PRSP reviews and budgeting processes in the context of New Aid Modalities is part of the concluding documentation on the project.

This immense enterprise required tremendous vision, courage, dedication and knowledge. FEMNET was fortunate to have Ms. Margaret Kakande, our lead consultant, take on the very daunting challenge of conceptualizing, compiling and...

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